Intimkonsert i Valenheimen

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lördag 21 jun 2025 13:00

avslutas lördag 21 jun 2025 14:30

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Johannes Brahms: Fiolinsonate nr. 2

Maria Milstein, Sanae Yoshida

Fartein Valen: Intermezzo 

Sanae Yoshida

Bohuslav Martinu: Sonate for fiolin, fløye og piano

Guro Pettersen, Maria Milstein, Sanae Yoshida

Konfransier: Fartein Valen-Sendstad

«The artist is always searching for the meaning of life, his own and that of mankind, searching for truth. A system of uncertainty has entered our daily life. The pressures of mechanization and uniformity to which it is subject call for protest and the artist has only one means of expressing this, by music.»

Bohuslav Martinu

PODIUM - Fartein Valen internasjonale musikkfest